Interwoven globe details

The show at the MMA opened this week.

Even after working for several years on the show, along with my colleagues, Amelia Peck, Melinda Watt, Joyce Denney, John Guy, Kristen Stewart and Amy Bogansky, the pieces are still amazing to see. Especially in details

Chachapoyas (Peru) Lenten curtain AMNH NY

Chachapoyas (Peru) Lenten curtain AMNH NY. Photo: E. Phipps

The details tell the story….  Looking at surfaces– the coarse handspun cotton of highland northern Peruvian Lenten curtain or the fine Indian cotton ground cloth for the religious hanging.

DetailL: Indian dye painted religious hanging

Detail: Indian dye painted religious hanging. MMA. Photo: E. Phipps

Embroidery– Chinese for export to Portugal and the West and Indian both for national and international markets– expound in colors and lines.

Detail Indian Embroidered Hanging MFA Boston

Detail Indian Embroidered Hanging MFA Boston. Photo: E. Phipps

Chinese for Export embroidery. Detail

Chinese for Export embroidery. Detail. Photo: E. Phipps.

"Africa" embroidered hanging-- from Peru? Private Col

“Africa” embroidered hanging– from Peru? Private Col. Photo: E. Phipps

The Mexican embroiderers mimicking the European tapestries– but with thousands of stitches, like the pure white embroidered ground  cloth for the armorial hanging  on one hand, and yet the refined stitching of the silk ikat rebozo figures, whose garments are embroidered with woven patterns.

Detail Mexican embroidered hanging San Antonio Museum of Art

Detail Mexican embroidered hanging San Antonio Museum of Art. Photo: E. Phipps

Detail Mexian Embroidered Rebozo MFA Philadelphia

Detail Mexican Embroidered Rebozo MFA Philadelphia. Photo: E. Phipps

Lots to say and lots to see..   lots is in the catalogue… and so much more to learn.
